Welcome to the April 2023 Issue

by | Apr 2023

Lake Minnetonka Magazine April 2023

Welcome in—to our spring homes issue, where we explore ideas to make your indoor and outdoor living visually pleasing, comfortable and inspired.

Does your home have a personality? Does its mood change with the seasons? I would answer yes to both of these questions. Our home seems to make herself smaller in winter, and I think that’s because it’s layered in throws and extra pillows, and holiday décor tumbles out of too many storage bins to elevate the nostalgic spirit of the season. Our wintry home is comforting and reminds us to come to her refuge in the blustery moments of life.

As we turn to spring, she offloads her layers and expands to welcome in fresh air and nudges us outdoors to enjoy the first steps into springtime. Our home’s independence is in full summer swing, allowing us to spend more time in the yard or at the lake, reminding us that it suits her for us to leave her a bit unattended as we busy ourselves in the hosta and shade gardens or in the cool and fishy deep of the lake. But come fall, she looks to us again for attention and warmth. While not quite ready to batten down the hatches, our autumn home begins to emit a warm glow of fall vibes, tempting us back indoors again.

And if I were to pose another question, I’d ask you if your home has grown alongside you—changed its style as you evolved. When I look at previous photos of our home, where we’ve lived for 25 years this month, I see a vastly different aesthetic than the one that now weaves around our house. Today, the décor is layered—textured with a life lived alongside children’s arrivals and departures to their own homes. Surfaces and armoires are filled with inherited treasures and collected items from antiques shops—near and far. And I own a style confidence that I dared not explore when we first moved to the Twin Cities. Today, I embrace the unexpected. The cheeky. The whimsical. I allow our home to express herself through a personality driven through who we are, what we love and what’s important to us, rather than what the latest trends dictate as the “right” way to create a home.

If asked, what would your home say about you?

-Renée Stewart-Hester

Read the digital edition.


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