Kitchen tips from another generation.
For Lake Minnetonka Magazine’s senior living edition, I thought of one of my most amazing mentors in the kitchen: my grandma. I want to share her tips with you.
- Don’t cut corners. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from cooking with my grandma, it’s that the biggest culinary crime is cutting corners. Everything she makes is cooked without taking shortcuts. I have always admired her methodical attention to every step and try to apply that to my own cooking.
- Keep it simple. It is so easy to overload with spices and ingredients in a dish. Instead, my grandma taught me to let the ingredients shine and focus on perfectly preparing everything. Many times, the best dishes aren’t the ones with the most components; instead they are dishes with a few that are carefully executed.
- Cook with love. It is so cliché, but it is so true. Everything my grandma cooks is a complete reflection of not only her love of cooking but her love for the people she is cooking for. And you can taste it.
Ariana Feygin is a 14-year-old chef and Minnesota’s first contestant on Fox’s MasterChef Junior.