Just like a lotus flower has to fight its way through the mud and muck to meet the sun to bloom, we sometimes have to do the same.
Spring is a wonderful time of rebirth and renewal. Yet the flowers don’t bloom overnight and without the right conditions present. The ground must first thaw, so that the seedlings can begin to grow and reach towards the light.
Much like our own personal growth and transformation, the flowers can’t bloom without making their way through the dirt. Just like a lotus flower has to fight its way through the mud and muck to meet the sun to bloom, we sometimes have to do the same. We can rise above the dark times in order to meet the light.
This time of year is a great time to open ourselves up for growth and continued transformation. Allowing yourself to bloom—to become who you want to be, to live in a way that feels meaningful to you—can be awe-inspiring. Embracing the season and the light that it brings can be a beautiful opportunity to move through and let go of the darkness that you might be carrying with you. It isn’t easy work to do, but remember: no mud, no lotus.
Nicole Lovald is a life coach and yogi, and the owner of Spirit of the Lake Yoga and Wellness Center in Excelsior.