The “little team that could” has emerged from the shadows and into the spotlight. The Mound Westonka High School (MWHS) robotics team, also known as...
Letters of Love Club Shares the Love
Grace Berbig shepherds a global club, spreading love and support through letters. When Grace Berbig thinks of her mother, Amanda Berbig, she feels...
Natural Resources Club Inspires Natural Connections
Minnetonka club provides students with community environmental conservation opportunities. When a Minnetonka High School (MHS) student realized her...
A Recipe For Creating Your Own Gourmet Club
Foodies celebrate the power of food through their gourmet club. What comes to mind when you hear the term “gourmet club?” Perhaps, you think of an...
Twin City Polo Club Plays ‘Hockey on Horses’
We visit the Twin City Polo Club in Maple Plain. One of our best suggestions for a fun, outdoor family event this summer is polo. Just fill up the...
Local High School Students Grade Minnetonka’s Efforts to Curb Climate Change
A group of high school students creates a climate report card for the city of Minnetonka. When Minnetonka teen Lia Harel, 18, speaks about her...
Ultimate Sustainability is a First-of-its-Kind Service for Young Adults with Autism
Ultimate Sustainability offers lake-area residents a resource for family members with autism that hasn’t existed before in the metro area. To say...