Minnetonka presents its annual entertainment series. The City of Minnetonka hosts the Music in the Park series with free, family friendly-events...
A Big Legacy
Group works to restore Big Island park and its history. It’s almost impossible to think of Lake Minnetonka without considering Big Island. A popular...
Remembering 9/11
A new memorial is set to be unveiled in Wayzata’s Panoway Park. Every alphabetical list of the nearly 3,000 victims from the 9/11 attacks starts...
Out with the Old …
Commons' Master Plan kicks off with a new pavilion. Excelsior Commons has long been the epicenter of lakeside events, including community festivals,...
Go Play Outside
Experts offer tips to keep pets safe at home and the park. With many Minnesotans sticking closer to home during the pandemic, folks have been...
Pack Your Picnic Basket and Head to One of These Local Parks
The Lake Minnetonka area features several picture perfect parks for picnicking. Lake Minnetonka Regional Park This park offers an abundance of...
Big Island Legacy Gives Lake Minnetonka’s Most Prominent Landmark a Makeover
A local group's fundraising efforts have brought a wealth of improvements to Big Island. Rick Carter has deep affection for Big Island Park, and he...
The Grain Belt Family Farm Lies on Lake Minnetonka’s Shores—and You Can Visit It
Noerenberg Gardens is the former estate of the Grain Belt brewing family. Wilkommen. That’s what Frederick Noerenberg, founder of Grain Belt...
What to Do in the Twin Cities This Summer
Our picks for things to do and see this summer—all without leaving the metro. The “staycation” trend makes so much sense: Put together a day or...