Angeline Boulley brings Warrior Girl Unearthed as teenager Perry Firekeeper-Birch plans to spend her summer doing nothing until her aunt makes her...
Young Adult Novel
Compelling and Heart-Wrenching
The Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley is a young adult novel that has it all—part coming-of-age, thriller, romance and family drama. The...
Recommended Reading: ‘Lovely War’ is Historical Fiction with a Twist
Aphrodite and Ares square off in this new novel. Julie Berry is a Printz Honor-winning author, and her most recent novel, Lovely War, is an...
This YA Take on Beauty and the Beast Will Appeal to All Ages
This young-adult fantasy novel is also great for adults. Brigid Kemmerer’s A Curse So Dark and Lonely is a young adult fantasy novel that has risen...