Veggies and herbs are easy—and fun—to grow at home. Here’s where to start.
- Grow your own herbs. Last year, I started growing all my own herbs in the garden, and the flavor and freshness were incomparable. Plus, you can bypass the pesticides and chemicals sprayed on commercially raised herbs. I love to add a handful of garden rosemary and thyme stems to a pan with my steaks, and add a sprinkle of chopped mint or basil to my salads.
- Perennials are your friends. I grow perennial raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and mint. Perennials are great—even though they only need to be planted once, we get to pick them every year.
- Research when and where to plant. There have been many times when I’ve tried to put something into the garden at the wrong time, only to see it fail. Double check that the plants you’re buying are suited for Minnesota weather. That little bit of extra research in the beginning is so important and definitely worth it.
Ariana Feygin is a 14-year-old chef and Minnesota’s first contestant on Fox’s MasterChef Junior. She is the founder of her business Ariana’s Kitchen and is passionate about philanthropy, raising almost $300,000 for charitable causes to date.