Get tips for cultivating a naturally impactful lawn. Raise your green thumbs if you’ve heard or read about bee lawns. We were curious about the...
Landschute Brings an Artist’s Philosophy to Architecture
Landschute combines Old World design philosophy with today’s lifestyle. “I think architects are born to be architects,” says Jon Monson, founder of...
April Boasts Both Earth Day and Arbor Day
Remember: Not all trees are created equal. Some native species (keystone plants) out preform the rest in benefiting the environment. Native insects...
Arborist Gets to the Root of Wayzata
Trees are some of Wayzata’s most important residents. Consider the facts: It’s estimated that more than 40 million American elm trees, which once...
Growing Pains: How to Conquer Buckthorn
Get a handle on an invasive species and create beauty and biodiversity. Is there really a gardening season? Any time of year is the right time to...
Custom Stone Fountains Add Focal Point to Gardens
Tonka Bay Fountains creates art from pure nature. Nature soothes, which is why Scott Estrem uses it as the foundation for his creations with Tonka...
Quiet Reflection
Feature serenity and calm in your garden. If you long for moments of peacefulness beyond the limits of your home, an outdoor zen garden could be the...
Green Acres
Arboretum recommends cabin-friendly plants and shrubs. Cabin owners know the drill. Head up (or over) to the lake in springtime for opening, plant...
The Root of Things
Locally-owned business tackles lake weed removal. Few of us like the creeping sensation of a surprise encounter with lake weeds while swimming. Tom...
When Should You Prune Your Trees?
Spring tree-trimming tips from a local arborist. Every year when spring finally arrives, one of the delights of the season is the explosion of green...
The Grain Belt Family Farm Lies on Lake Minnetonka’s Shores—and You Can Visit It
Noerenberg Gardens is the former estate of the Grain Belt brewing family. Wilkommen. That’s what Frederick Noerenberg, founder of Grain Belt...
Eager to Get Planting? Start Spring Off with a Container Garden
Minnetonka expert Lynn Messman shares advice for planting container gardens at home in early spring. Click here for a step-by-step guide to making...
Should I Put Annuals or Perennials in My Container Garden?
This article originally appeared as part of the story How Does Your Garden Grow in the April 2019 issue. Click here for a step-by-step guide to...
A 3-Step Guide to Making a Container Garden
This article originally appeared as part of the story How Does Your Garden Grow in the April 2019 issue. Should you put annuals or perennials in...