Minnetonka presents its annual entertainment series. The City of Minnetonka hosts the Music in the Park series with free, family friendly-events...
Princely Memory
Prince’s beloved doves, Majesty and Divinity, are credited for “singing” on the album One Nite Alone... (May 2022). Since his death, however, it has...
Turn up the Sound
Academy of Prince students write, perform and collaborate. “I think we have a lot more knowledge to be shared with the world. We just have to find a...
Your Face Here
Smokin’ Henways virtually produce new album. By dropping the curtain on live entertainment, the pandemic took a toll on the music scene. But this...
Daughter’s Struggle with Rare Genetic Abnormality Inspires Deephaven Parents
Chris Thomson and Emma Nadler use their vocations and creative pursuits to convey the emotions spurred by their daughter's diagnosis. As parents of...
Inside The Freight Room, The Depot Coffee House’s Rebranded Music Venue
Over the past year, the 150-person music venue, now called the Freight Room, has undergone a rebranding. The Depot Coffee House has been a hub in...
Meet the Man Pulling the Strings Behind the Minnetonka Symphony Orchestra
Get to know the new director of the Minnetonka Symphony Orchestra. Minnetonka has long been a haven for symphony music aficionados. With great...
The Art of Medicine, The Science of Music: Meet Minnetonka’s Guitar-playing Doctor
Minnetonka physician Daniel Volovets is also an up-and-coming classical guitarist. Masquerade is an album that embodies the very essence of Daniel...
Tips for First-time Destination Festival Attendees
Jump on the music festival bandwagon this summer. Let out your wild side—just for a weekend. For our summer entertainment issue, let’s chat about...
Lake Minnetonka’s Very Own Boy—Er, Make That Man—Band
Manhassen strikes a fun chord as a homegrown cover band. An engineer, an entrepreneur and a couple of account managers walk into a bar … Since 2014,...
Former Lake-area Students Shine in Show Business
Meet a few lake-area high school alums who are succeeding on stage and television. Zac Barnett Lead singer, American Authors Minnetonka High School,...