Amaro is the Perfect After-dinner Sipper for Autumn

by | Sep 2020


You can try amaro a few different ways as it is good on the rocks, straight or just chilled.

For September, I’ve chosen a classic liqueur that makes an excellent digestif (after dinner drink). Averna is a terrific amaro named after Salvatore Averna, its creator. Averna is a bitter Sicilian liqueur made from herbs, roots and citrus rinds that soak in the distillate. Not too far from gin, but at a lower proof, and herbal and star anise being the dominant flavors. You can try it a few different ways as it is good on the rocks, straight or just chilled. With one ice cube is my favorite way to have it. There are many good amaros out there, with slightly different styles and proofs, but first, try this classic!

Kevin Castellano is the general manager of Wayzata Wine & Spirits and a lake-area wine and liquor expert.


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