Create Healthy Habits That Last

by | Jan 2025

Marnie Dachis Marmet

Marnie Dachis Marmet. Photo: Marnie Dachis Marmet

Going into a new year, many consider new ways to prioritize wellness, but learning where to begin can be overwhelming.

The Art of Living Well, co-hosted and co-created by Marnie Dachis Marmet, is a good starting point. “The main focus is to get people to really think about finding their own art of living well, which is different for everyone,” says the Minnetonka resident.

The podcast guides listeners to a healthier lifestyle with practical, powerful approaches. More than 230 episodes feature Marmet and co-host Stephanie May Potter with health and wellness experts. Marmet says, “I think making yourself a priority is so important. I know it can be hard, but there are ways to break that down, so it’s very manageable and doable.”

Marmet says, “Each episode offers a different technique or strategy. We like to end our episodes talking about different strategies that you can do that are free, at home and can be implemented immediately.”

In addition to being a podcaster, Marmet is an author, serial entrepreneur, board-certified health coach and the founder of Zenful Life Coaching, dedicated to helping women and teens create healthier and happier lives. Her areas of expertise include longevity, mind-body-spirit holistic health, gut health, yoga, mindfulness and meditation. “You can really create a life you want to live and that you love,” she says.

Finding Her Voice

Marnie Marmet’s memoir, My Song, Unleashed, examines how she found her voice and learned to tune into what she wants and needs in her life versus what’s expected of her. “People can see I’m still on my journey, and I’ve had bumps along the way,” she says. “Hopefully, reading my story will inspire others to have agency over their own life and live a life of purpose and fulfillment.”

My Song, Unleashed is available locally at Jewelweed in Wayzata and at and other major booksellers.

The Art of Living Well

Zenful Life Coaching
Facebook: Zenful Life – Coaching for Wellness
Instagram: @zenfullifecoaching


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