Are your pets part of the family? Are they included in family portraits? As a society, are we embracing pets more so than in prior years?
In 2022, the American Veterinary Medical Association surveyed pet owners, and, among the pampered pet segment of the population, 96 percent consider their pet a family member. Celebrating birthdays, letting them sleep on beds and being concerned for their mental health may be new concepts for many.
Pets are dependent on us for food, shelter, care and love. In return, they may show appreciation by snuggling with us on the couch, wagging their tails when we come into a room or giving us kisses. They give us so much, so let’s celebrate them during Pet Appreciation Week on June 4–10.
Jackie Piepkorn, DVM, co-owns Westonka Animal Hospital and the Lake Minnetonka Pet Wellness Center. Learn more at westonka.vet.