I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t have a green thumb, but I sure love trying to create beauty in the garden each spring. My success, albeit limited, when it comes to gardening is being organized. There is a lot to keep track of, such as tools, seeds, bulbs and soil. Once things start to grow, we need to prune, divide or harvest.
If you are planting fruits and veggies, start by knowing your growing season by adding key dates to your calendar. I usually reference Minnesota Grown (minnesotagrown.com). It has a great list that details average and peak seasons for top produce.
Next, organize your seeds, making sure the container is stored in a cool, dark and dry place. A plastic photo case with a handle is ideal for categorizing and transporting seeds to your garden. Print labels, and organize by vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, plants and herbs.
Keep gardening tools accessible in your garage or shed by creating a workstation. Attach a pegboard with S hooks on the wall, and hang trowels, pruners, weed pullers and hand shovels.
If you are growing multiple items, use metal markers, which can be reused, to designate growing rows.
Kira Vanderlan operates a decluttering, organizing, staging and design company. Learn more at zestfuldesign.com.