Lens on Lake Minnetonka: Noerenberg Gardens

by | May 2020

A gazebo at Noerenberg Gardens.

Photo: Al Whitaker

Winning photographer captures an idyllic scene at Noerenberg Gardens.

Each month, we feature one of the winning photos from our 2019 Lens on Lake Minnetonka photo contest. This month, we asked photographer Al Whitaker to tell us about “Noerenberg Garden,” which received first place in our City Landmarks category.

When and where did you take the photo?
It was taken at the gazebo/shelter at Noerenberg Gardens, mid-summer of 2019.

What kind of camera did you use?
The camera used was an Olympus OM-D E-M1, and I believe the lens used was a Zuiko 12-40 mm f2.8.

What’s your favorite thing about the image?
What struck me [about] the photo was two people who had been standing in the shelter. I believe the guy was proposing! After they left, I took the photo. I always see photos of the gardens but never of the shelter.

Watch our site throughout the year for more winners and finalists from our 2019 Lens on Lake Minnetonka photo contest.


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