Give up striving for perfection.
Many of us strive to live a more balanced life. We want more balance between our work life, our home life, our social life, and to have some extra time in there for our own self-care and enjoyment. As a life coach, I often hear this question: How do I live a more balanced life?
You might not like my answer, but I believe there is no such thing as a perfectly balanced life. There are times in our lives when we need to focus more time and energy on our family. There will be times when our work priorities are more time-consuming and our social life suffers. Hopefully there are also times when it seems easy to squeeze in play and self-care.
We have seasons in our lives and times when we will be more focused on raising kids, building a career, or enjoying our hobbies. Allowing yourself to be aware of the season you are in may help you embrace what is most important in this moment. By loosening your grip on “the way things should be” and allowing them to be as they are, you might find more ease.
Nicole Lovald is a life coach and yogi, and the owner of Spirit of the Lake Yoga and Wellness Center in Excelsior. Her first book, Om Sweet Om, was published in November.